George Carlin once said that no one can ever truely know what they look like in sunglasses.
I'll take it a step further: No one can ever truely know what they look like. Two steps: Or smell, feel, taste, or sound like. It is infact impossible to have any objective view on one's self. It's contray to the whole idea.
(Admittedly this assumes a self-concept derived through the 5 senses, but I defy you to comment with any argument fleshing out my concession).
That said considering my solipsotic outlook, means the one thing that I know is that I know nothing.
Wrap your head around that worthless zen.
I'll take it a step further: No one can ever truely know what they look like. Two steps: Or smell, feel, taste, or sound like. It is infact impossible to have any objective view on one's self. It's contray to the whole idea.
(Admittedly this assumes a self-concept derived through the 5 senses, but I defy you to comment with any argument fleshing out my concession).
That said considering my solipsotic outlook, means the one thing that I know is that I know nothing.
Wrap your head around that worthless zen.
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