Sunday, May 01, 2005


I am learning that I tend to like to blog drunk.

That said, I am moderately happy to review my own blog and find that I don't post too often. I suppose that means I rarely find myself drunk and alone. Of course, that would be a missapropriation of the facts. I am indeed, not alone. There are four other people in my house tonight. Three of them now live here.

On nights like this I wonder if should get drunk more often because I find my musings entertaining. they provide a unique solace I don't find anywhere else. But even in my addled mind I recognize that this is not a good place to be, it's just another place. I guess I pursue the same path as before: Blog drunk, when I get the chance. Exhibitionism for the insatibly shy.

But tonight, for me, in this mood, I am not merely exhibitioning. So once again, I put forth my plea for anyone who happens across this blog to drop a comment. Tonight I'm not so much interested in hearing myself ramble, as I hope to bait you into responding, because I could use some sound advice.

In the vaguest means possible (as I'm sure you're all aware that the most likely people to read the are the ones I would talk about were I to merely rant and I believe a blog should at least be honest, if not candid), here are a few of my questions:

1) At what point do human being stop being responsible for one another? Where does helpfulness become control and how much generosity is one supposed to bear?

2) What are the limits of "going with the flow", when does it become indecision, and then apathy?

3) How do know when you're being lied to (and implicitly, what defines a lie)?

4) What are the appropriate criteria to use when making a significant decision?

5) When in a compromising situation (and don't pretend like the rest of this doesn't make sense), who are the people you consistantly hurt and who do you spare? And what is the appropriateness/ramifications of this habit?

To the first person who can soundly nail all five (sorry, but the judgement is mine alone) 1 Anything bet, redeemable for anything, within reason. For anyone who finishes all five (with a realistic amount of sincereity) I will answer five questions of their's and issue my thanks for their help.

So go forth and think. It might just be good for us all.


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